Name of Research Center:Alexandria university Cancer research Cluster
Affiliation:Alexandria University
Research Center's AddressHigh Institute of Public Health, 165 Elhorreya Road, Alexandria, Egypt.
Center's Phone4288436
Describe your research centerAlexandria university cancer research cluster is the first "prototype" research cluster in Egypt. The cluster is a multidisciplinary one that hosts several research groups. Each group is running one or more research programs. The Cluster was established the Cluster in 2010 on a grant from the Egyptian Science and Technology Development Fund. Since then, 3 different research programs were started with additional competitive funding from national and international organizations. The cluster currently hosts the following research groups: Cancer genetics group, cancer immunology group, environmental carcinogenesis group, infectious diseases and cancer group, methodology group. The cluster is also the administrative home to the Egyptian Cancer Research Network (ECRN).
Name of the Center's DirectorProf.Noha Awad
EquipmentsReal time PCR -20 freezer Vertical gel electrophoresis 3D printing Fluorescent microscope Carbon dioxide incubator Biosafety cabinet Chemical hood Eliza reader Waterbath Shaker

About ECRN

The Egyptian Cancer Research Network, is a collective of research professionals, research groups, research organizations and institutions involved in Cancer research in Egypt.